On the netterimages.com Home Page and on the main pages of the website there is a search box. There are four important things to remember about searching and once you understand these, searching on netterimages.com will be a cinch:
●Typing in one or more terms will return results that start with any of the terms you enter. You will likely get a lot of returns with this type of search, but, like all searches on the site, they will be ordered based on the number of matches, so the most relevant will come first.
●Putting double quotes around a single term ("heart") or phrase ("varicose vein") will return results for illustrations that have the exact term or phrase as keywords.
●Putting a + (plus) sign before any term or phrase (e.g., +varicose, or +"varicose vein") will make that term or phrase mandatory.
●Putting a – (minus) sign before any term or phrase will exclude all illustrations with that term.
●autonomic nervous system - Images that have keywords starting with 'autonomic', 'nervous' or 'system'
●autonomic "nervous system" - Images that have keywords starting with 'autonomic' or the exact keyword phrase 'nervous system'
●autonomic +"nervous system" - Images that have the exact keyword phrase 'nervous system' (the term 'autonomic' will be used to prioritize the results only)
●-autonomic "nervous system" - Images that have the exact keyword phrase 'nervous system' but do not have any keywords starting with 'autonomic'