How do I use the “Lightbox” feature?

Last updated on December 07, 2021
  • The Light Box Feature is a secure tool that helps you organize illustrations that interest you. You can then share them with others such as colleagues or clients. You must be registered on to use this feature.
  • To create a lightbox, first register on When you click on the word Lightbox in the top nav bar, you will be taken to the Lightbox Page. There, you will see a dropdown list next to the words My Lightbox. My Lightbox is your default lightbox. Add illustrations to the lightbox by clicking the lightbox icon on the bottom right of a thumbnail or by clicking the lightbox icon on the Detail Page. When you are viewing search results or image detail pages and you click the Light Box icon, the image will be saved to your default lightbox. Lightboxes that are not the default lightbox will have the options: "Make Default" and "Delete Lightbox," while default lightboxes cannot be deleted.

When you have multiple projects going at once and need to keep track of multiple sets of illustrations, you can add more Lightboxes. You can also rename them as needed. You can Email Lightboxes to your colleagues or clients too by clicking the Email Lightbox link.

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