What is Elsevier's Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)?
Last updated on April 26, 2021The Data Universal Numbering System, abbreviated as DUNS or D-U-N-S, is a proprietary system developed and managed by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) that assigns a unique numeric identifier, referred to as a 'DUNS number' to a single business entity.
The DUNS number is a nine-digit number, issued by D&B, assigned to each business location in the D&B database, having a unique, separate, and distinct operation for the purpose of identifying them.
Elsevier Orders, Renewal and Fulfilment receive inquiries from business to business customers requesting for the Data Universal Numbering System or DUNS assigned to Elsevier. You will find the Elsevier DUNS below:
Elsevier Inc DUNS 1937218 Tax ID 13-1958712
Elsevier BV DUNS 406928382 Tax ID 98-0389477
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